
baylor college of medicine中文什么意思

发音:   用"baylor college of medicine"造句
  • 贝勒医学院
  • 贝乐医学院
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  1. Doctoral of philosophy , department of cell biology , baylor college of medicine , usa 1989
  2. West holds a ph . d . from baylor college of medicine and is particularly interested in aging and stem cells
    1990 ~ 1998年间,他在加州的门洛帕克市创立久隆公司,并担任主任以及副总裁。
  3. The baylor college of medicine ( bcm ) search launcher is an ongoing project to organize molecular biology - related search and analysis services available on the web by function , by providing a single point - of - entry for related searches
  4. The baylor college of medicine ( bcm ) search launcher is an ongoing project to organize molecular biology - related search and analysis services available on the web by function , by providing a single point - of - entry for related searches
  5. The baylor college of medicine ( bcm ) search launcher is an ongoing project to organize molecular biology - related search and analysis services available on the web by function , by providing a single point - of - entry for related searches
    贝勒药学院( bcm )搜寻器:为一正在进行中的计划,其目的在根据功能性来整理网络上与分子生物学有关的搜寻与分析服务,并提供单一入口来存取这些资源。


    Baylor College of Medicine (BCM), located in the Texas Medical Center in Houston, Texas, USA, is a medical school and center for biomedical research and clinical care. The school, located in the middle of the largest medical center in the world,www.




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